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Eyelid Surgery for Sagging Skin

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Posted January 25, 2013 in News

Sagging facial skin is just one of the components of facial aging (the other two are changes in skin texture and volume loss). Sagging skin can be irritating no matter where it happens on the face, but when our eyelids begin to get droopy, it can impair our vision and make us look much older than we are.
Droopy eyelid skin can become loose enough that it folds down over the eyelashes, making the eyes feel heavy and blocking our line of sight. It also makes us look tired. Sagging skin in the lower eyelids will make them look puffy, and can cause bags to form under the eyes, giving us a hound-dog look. Eyelid surgery can correct both upper and lower eyelid issues.

What is Eyelid Surgery?
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery procedure for correcting sagging upper and/or lower eyelids. It involves the removal of excess skin, excess fatty deposits, and the correction of drooping muscle tissues in the affected areas.
Eyelid surgery is an excellent way to rejuvenate the appearance of the face without committing to a full traditional facelift. The recovery time is much shorter, and it allows you to target a specific problem area. Eyelid surgery can also be combined with other procedures, such as a forehead lift, Botox, or dermal filler injections, for a more comprehensive experience.
What is Recovery Like?
Most patients can return to work or normal (not strenuous) activities after about ten days to two weeks. During the recovery time, you may have some blurriness of vision, swelling, and bruising. Some patients experience slight light sensitivity during this time. Once the stitches come out (after about a week), you can go back to wearing makeup and wearing glasses. After surgery, your surgeon will recommend skin care products and other non-surgical procedures that will help keep your results fresh for as long as possible.
Call our office at (703) 574-2588 with questions or for a consultation. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

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