Breast Surgery in Northern VA
Breasts are the cornerstone of a woman’s femininity.
Being happy with your breasts both in and out of clothing can boost body confidence dramatically. Have you ever thought, my breasts are too small? My breasts sag more than I would like? My breasts are large and cause pain in my back? My breasts are not the same size? If any of these thoughts have ever crossed your mind, breast surgery may be right for you.
So, what do I do next? Your aesthetic goals will help determine the appropriate procedure for you. Explore the breast surgery information provided and schedule a consultation with NOVA Plastic Surgery to start your journey in becoming a happier you!

Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation can improve the appearance of your breasts dramatically resulting in boosted self-esteem and enhanced body image.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Breast Augmentation?
Scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon will help you to determine if receiving a breast augmentation is the best procedure to reach your desired shape. You may be a good candidate for breast augmentation if:
- You are in good health
- You are unhappy with your breast size or volume
- Your breasts are different sizes or asymmetrical
- Your breasts are fully developed
Types of Breast Implants
There are different types of breast implants and methods of placement once you decide on a breast augmentation. Listed below are three types of breast implants. To learn more about the pros and cons of each breast implant and the various placement methods, check out the following blog posts.
Saline Breast Implants:
This type of implant is a silicone shell filled with sterile saline solution. Saline implants are FDA approved for women 18 years of age and older.
Silicone Breast Implants:
This implant is a silicone shell filled with silicone gel. It is FDA approved for women 22 years of age and older. Silicone implants generally feel more like natural breast tissue when compared to saline. However, if this implant leaks, it has the potential to cause more complications than a saline implant.
Fat Transfer Breast Implants:
This method uses liposuction to take fat from other areas of the body which is then injected into your breasts. This type of breast augmentation is suitable for those who are looking for a very small increase in breast size.
What A Breast Augmentation Won’t Do
A breast augmentation alone can increase the size and volume of your breasts but will not correct sagging breasts. If you are looking to increase size and lift of the breast, a breast augmentation with breast lift would be best for you. This can usually be combined during the same surgery.
Breast Augmentation in Northern Virginia
If you would like to talk about your options for Breast Surgery in Northern Virginia, call us at 703-574-2588 to schedule your consultation!

Breast Lift
This surgery raises the breasts by removing excess skin or stretched out skin and reshapes the breast tissue. Overtime, the areolas may also enlarge and nipples may begin to point downward. A breast list can reduce the size of the areolas and raise the nipples into a more forward position creating a more proportioned looking breast.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Breast Lift?
The best way to determine what breast procedure is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. The questions below will give you an idea if a breast lift may help you to improve your breast shape and reach your aesthetic goals.
Do My Nipples Point Downward?
When the breast skin stretches out and begins to sag, the weight of the breast tissue pulls nipples in a downward direction. A breast lift will raise the breast tissue and bring the nipples into a more forward facing position.
Are My Breasts Asymmetrical Or Tubular Shaped?
A breast lift can be very effective in correcting breast asymmetry by lifting the breasts to the same level. It can also reshape the breast tissue to make tuberous breasts appear more rounded in shape.
Do My Nipples And Areola Sit Below The Crease Under My Breast?
During your consultation, your plastic surgeon will evaluate the position of your nipple and areola in relation to the crease under your breast (inframammary fold). If they are positioned below that crease, your breasts would benefit from a lift.
What A Breast Lift Won’t Do
A breast lift will not significantly alter the size of your breast. If you are also interested in increasing the size of your breasts, you should consider a combination breast lift and breast augmentation. If you want to reduce the size of your breasts, consider combining breast lift with breast reduction surgery.
Reasons Women Chose A Breast Lift Surgery
- Breast changes after pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Fluctuations in weight
- Aging/gravity
- Heredity
- Breast asymmetry
Breast Lift in Northern Virginia
If you would like to talk about your options for a Breast Surgery in Northern Virginia, call us at 703-574-2588 to schedule your consultation!

Breast Reduction
In addition to the aesthetic improvement, women often seek a breast reduction to alleviate pain associated with overly large breasts. Women who ultimately have a breast reduction often have family history of large breasts, have lost weight, or have had children.
Types of Breast Reduction
The current size of your breasts and the amount of reduction you desire will determine what technique of breast reduction your plastic surgeon will recommend. The traditional surgical approach will involve three incisions where breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed. The incision pattern will depend on the size and amount of sagging of your breast. The nipple and areola are then positioned to a higher location on the breast.
Breast liposuction is an alternative to the traditional approach if you need a minor reduction, have minimal sagging and have fatty breasts. This approach has less scarring and lower risk of loss of sensation of the nipples as with a typical breast reduction. If you have low positioned nipples, fibrous breasts, poor skin elasticity or significant sagging, you are not a good candidate for this approach.
What A Breast Lift Surgery Won’t Do
Scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is the next step to take if you feel breast reduction surgery is right for you. It is very important to let your plastic surgeon know:
- If you are planning on losing a significant amount of weight. It is often best to wait until you have stabilized your weight prior to having a breast reduction.
- You plan on becoming pregnant in the future. Becoming pregnant after a breast reduction can alter the long-term results of the procedure. Breast reduction surgery can also prevent you from the ability to breast feed. It may be best to wait until after pregnancy if you desire to have your breast size reduced.
- Family history of breast cancer
Reasons Women Chose A Breast Reduction Surgery
- Excessively large breasts that are disproportionate to their frame
- Large breast size caused ongoing neck, back or shoulder pain
- Breast asymmetry
- Overall dissatisfaction with the appearance of large breast size
- To allow clothes to fit and look better
Breast Reduction in Northern Virginia
If you would like to talk about your options for a Breast Surgery in Northern Virginia, call us at 703-574-2588 to schedule your consultation!
Male Breast Reduction
A male breast reduction is a procedure performed to remove excess fatty and glandular tissue to create a flatter and more masculine contour to the chest.
It is most commonly used to treat gynecomastia, or enlarged male breasts. Gynecomastia occurs as a result of certain medications or supplements, genetics or other medical conditions. It can occur at any age, both teenagers and adult men can be affected.
Traditional methods of breast reduction can be used for male breast reduction, as well as breast reduction liposuction. Breast liposuction is performed by making a small incision under the arm pit or around the areola where a plastic surgeon inserts a cannula to suck out excess fatty and glandular tissue resulting in reshaping and contouring the male chest. This procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, similar to the more traditional breast reduction surgery.
Male breast reduction, whether tissue excision or breast liposuction, can help you feel more confident in your overall appearance. If you feel that this may be the right breast procedure for you, contact a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation.
Male Breast Reduction in Northern Virginia
If you would like to talk about your options for a Male Breast Surgery in Northern Virginia, call us at 703-574-2588 to schedule your consultation!.