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Are You Due for a Mommy Makeover?

Schedule a Consultation
Posted September 22, 2022 in Mommy Makeover

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Pregnancy and breastfeeding do a number on a woman’s body, and many women consider cosmetic surgery to correct issues like sagging breasts, loose skin, stubborn pockets of fat, and more.

Women sitting on a couch with her two kids.

Because of this, most plastic surgeons offer a combination of customizable surgical procedures called a Mommy Makeover. However, timing is crucial when considering these plastic surgeries to help ensure your results are long lasting.

How to Know if a Mommy Makeover Is Right for You

Mothers who would like to restore their pre-baby bodies — and have completed their families — are often the best candidates for Mommy Makeover procedures. Additional criteria for this combination of cosmetic surgeries include:

  • Being in good health
  • Not smoking or using nicotine of any kind
  • Maintaining your ideal weight for at least three months
  • Having realistic expectations 

If you stand a good chance of becoming pregnant again, you should wait until you are relatively certain that you will not be giving birth again, as experiencing a pregnancy after undergoing a Mommy Makeover is likely to adversely affect your results.

Weight fluctuations can also impact the outcome of your Mommy Makeover, while smoking (or any nicotine use) significantly increases your risk of surgical complications, such as excessive bleeding and the possibility of developing blood clots.  

What Is Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

A woman wrapping a tape measure around her waist.

The great thing about Mommy Makeovers is that you can choose from several different plastic surgeries to personalize your procedure. 

Your options will be discussed during your consultation and may include two or more of the following:

How to Choose Your Mommy Makeover Procedures

Woman with bandages around her breasts.

At your consultation, the surgeon will review the benefits of each option after listening to your concerns and goals. 

Usually, a Mommy Makeover consists of body sculpting focusing on your midsection and cosmetic breast surgery.

If you have:

  • Deflated breasts or volume loss in your breasts – the surgeon is likely to recommend breast implants.
  • Droopy breasts – the surgeon may suggest a breast lift or breast implants with a lift.
  • Loose skin on the abdomen – the surgeon will explain the benefits of tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty).
  • Abdominal muscle separation (diastasis recti) – the surgeon can also tighten these muscles during an abdominoplasty.
  • Diet and exercise-resistant areas of fat anywhere on the body – the surgeon will discuss your liposuction options.

How to Choose the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Mommy Makeover in Northern Virginia

If you are looking for a Mommy Makeover in the Northern Virginia or Metropolitan DC area, you should look for a board-certified plastic surgeon as developing a custom tailored surgical plan and combining procedures requires expertise and experience. 

NOVA Plastic Surgery and Dermatology offer advanced surgical procedures and Mommy Makeovers in Ashburn, Virginia, and serves the Washington DC Metropolitan area.

Learn more by calling us at (703) 215-9152. You can also contact us online by filling out our form. 

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