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Mommy Makeover FAQ

Schedule a Consultation
Posted May 15, 2013 in News

A mommy makeover is a combination of procedures designed to help you get the body you want after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. These wonderful times of your life can leave your abdomen loose, your breasts smaller or with less volume, and perhaps with stubborn fat on your hips. These changes dont always respond to diet and exercise, and a mommy makeover can take over where diet and exercise arent getting the job done. Here are a few questions frequently asked about the mommy makeover:

Who is a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?
A good candidate for a mommy makeover is a woman who is done having children, and whose problem areas arent responding to diet and exercise. It is advisable to be finished having kids before getting a mommy makeover because having more kids after the surgery can reverse your results. Also, a tummy tuck involves removal of skin and sometimes loose muscle, so your abdomen might not be able to stretch sufficiently to accommodate a baby.
What Procedures Can I Get?
A mommy makeover is a customizable package of procedures that you can pick depending on what is most appropriate for your situation. The most common packages include a tummy tuck or mini tuck, a breast augmentation or lift, and sometimes liposuction of the hips or buttocks.
What Will My Consultation Involve?
Your surgeon will perform a physical examination and help you decide which procedures are best for you. He will go over incision locations, recovery time, and any other questions you might have. The surgeon might also do a computer imaging of your body and what you will look like after the procedure. You might also be shown before and after images of other patients.
What is the Recovery Like?
You will stay in the surgical center overnight and then return home. You will need to rest and limit your activity for about three weeks, at which point you can generally return to work. You will be fully recovered at six weeks, at which point you can drive normally and begin exercising again.
What About Scars?
Any incisions or scars you have will depend on what procedures you have. A tummy tuck will leave a scar along your lower abdomen, while a mini tuck will leave a smaller scar. A breast augmentation will leave a scar that depends on the type of implant and placement you get. Your surgeon will discuss your options.
To schedule a consultation for a mommy makeover in Northern Virginia, call us at (703) 574-2588. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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