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How to Prepare for Laser Hair removal

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Posted January 25, 2016 in News

Prepare for a laser hair removalLaser hair removal is a permanent procedure that eliminates unwanted hair on the face and body. During the process, a device is used to direct extremely concentrated energy to hair follicles. The energy is emitted in pulses, destroying the root so that the hair does not grow back.
It is essentially painless, although some patients do report mild discomfort that the site during the procedure, often likening the sensation to being popped by a rubber band. The hair that has been treated will fall out within anywhere from one to three weeks. While results can be seen after the very first treatment, it often requires several treatments to completely remove all hair.

How to Find a Facility When you make the decision to get laser hair removal

You want to select a doctor who is board certified in a specialized area like cosmetic surgery or dermatology. They should also have experience doing the procedure.

If someone other than the doctor, such as a nurse or physicians assistant, will be doing the treatment, you want to make sure that it is done under the doctors supervision and that he or she is on site and available throughout the procedure.

You should be wary about salons, spas, and other facilities that employ non-medical personnel to perform laser hair removal. It is best done under a doctors supervision.

The Consultation Prior to your appointment, you should have a consultation with the doctor to discuss the procedure and things you will need to do in preparation. Some of the things that may occur during the consultation visit include:

  • Conducting a complete review of your medical history.
  • Discussing any medication that you take on a regular basis.
  • Discussing the procedure, its benefits and risks.
  • Addressing any questions about the procedure, what it can and cannot do, and what your expectations are for the treatment.
  • Take photos of the treatment areas that may be used for before and after analysis as well as reviewing results over the long term.
  • Developing a treatment plan including the related costs.
  • Discussing any specific instructions that the doctor has to help you prepare for the treatment.

How to Prepare for a Laser Hair Removal Treatment

  1. Avoid the sun: If you have a tan whether it is from the sun, a tanning bed, or sunless tanning products, it is best to wait until it has completely faded before you undergo your procedure. The risks of side effects like lightening of the skin is increased when the skin is tan. Some doctors suggest avoiding the sun for as many and six weeks prior to your laser hair removal appointment.
  2. Do not wax, pluck, or use electrolysis: These methods disrupt the hair follicle which may interfere with the laser treatment and you should avoid them two to four weeks prior to your appointment.
  3. Shave: Shaving does not interfere with the follicle and hair shaft so it is safe to do prior to the procedure. In fact, many doctors will recommend that you shave at least 24 hours before your laser treatment appointment. This prevents the laser from targeting the exposed hair that is above the skin, thus avoiding the possibility of burns.
  4. Clean the treatment area: Do not use creams, lotions, cosmetics, or deodorant on the area to be treated when you go in for your appointment. These things can inhibit the effectiveness of the treatment and can increase the risk of side effects including burns.

Laser hair removal is safe and effective when done correctly. NOVA Plastic Surgery has medical personnel on staff to perform treatments like laser hair removal and a double board certified medical doctor oversees all procedures. If you are looking for laser hair removal in Loudoun County, NOVA Plastic Surgery is a safe, effective, professional option.

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