This blog discusses how breast implants are sized by manufacturers as well as what factors breast augmentation patients need to consider when choosing their implants.
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Breast Implant Size Guide
If you’ve decided to undergo breast augmentation, congratulations! It’s exciting to make a decision that improves your self-confidence and personal satisfaction. One of the most important choices you’ll make is the size of your implants.
Breast implant sizing is a little different than what you’re likely used to, as it has little to do with bra cup sizes. Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters (cc) and typically range from 300cc to 500cc. One cup size is roughly about 150cc to 200cc.
To equate this to cup sizes, typically 300cc to 360cc implants give the patient a fuller cup size without altering her frame too much. Implants that are 400cc to 450cc will likely result in a dramatic change, depending on your natural frame. There are still a few more factors to consider when thinking about your breast implant size.
How Breast Size Affects Your Everyday Life
It may sound obvious, but your new breasts are going to be with you for a long time—you need to choose the right size and shape. While you may envision the aesthetic impact of your breast augmentation, it’s also important to think about how your breast implants will feel and affect your everyday life.
Some factors to consider include:
Your Natural Breast Size
If you’re naturally small-breasted, jumping from an A to a D may sound appealing to you. However, we urge prospective patients to consider all of the implications that come with dramatic alterations to the body, including their own perceptions. It’s important to prepare yourself for big changes if that’s what you’re looking for in a breast augmentation.
Your Natural Build
This is a big one, as breast size can greatly affect your overall frame. Your frame includes your height as well as body type—it’s essentially the silhouette your figure creates. Women with small frames or who are slender with shorter stature may look out of balance with large breast implants, whereas a woman with a taller frame may need a larger implant to get the look she wants. It comes down to proportions and balance, so spend some time thinking about your frame and what you want for your end result.
Your Lifestyle
It goes without saying that your breasts are with you through thick and thin—it’s important to choose the right size. For example, if you live an active lifestyle, where exercise and extreme activity are part of your day-to-day, large breasts might make doing the things you love a little more difficult. Of course, many active women lead perfectly happy lives with large breast implants; it’s all down to preference.
Your Fashion Choices
Lastly, the size of your breasts will certainly inform the way you look in certain clothing, which you likely already know plenty about. If you have naturally small breasts, increasing their size can help you “fill out” certain necklines better, but what many breast augmentation patients are surprised to find is that their new breasts can be a little too visible in other garments. It’s about balance and discovering the aesthetic—in fashion and in your figure—that best reflects your most authentic self.
Want to Know More About Breast Implant Sizes in Ashburn, VA?
Interested in learning more about breast augmentation and how to choose the right implant size? Call NOVA Plastic Surgery and Dermatology today at (703) 215-9152 or fill out our online contact form today.