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Different Kinds of Dermal Fillers

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Posted April 15, 2013 in News

Different Kinds of Dermal FillersDermal fillers are injectable solutions that are used to fill in sunken areas on the face, or to plump up problem areas. For example, you can use dermal fillers to plump up wrinkles or expression lines, to increase the volume of the lips, and to increase the volume of cheeks that have become sunken as we age.

There are several different kinds of dermal fillers, all designed to meet a specific need. Heres a round-up of some of the most commonly used dermal fillers:

Body Fat

Body fat, also known as analogous fat, uses fat from your body. It is taken from somewhere you dont need it, and placed in a spot where you do need it. This is an excellent option for patients who might be allergic to other substances- you wont have an allergic reaction to analogous fat. Surgeons must over-fill an area because the body will re-absorb a great deal of the fat once its injected, but it will settle.

Hyaluronic Acid

HA is a natural substance found in the human body, and is the main ingredient in popular fillers like Restylane and Juvederm. The substance is found in soft connective tissues and in fluid in the eye and joints. It is a substance that naturally provides volume to an area.


Collagen is also a natural substance. It is found in cartilage, teeth, bones, and can come from human sources or from cows (then its known as bovine collagen). It is a popular substance for plumping up thin lips.

Polylactic Acid

This is actually a synthetic substance that stimulates collagen production when injected into the desired site. So you dont have immediate results, but the area slowly fills in over a few months as the collagen grows. This is popular for use on thin lips and laugh lines, as well as folds from the nose to the lips.

Calcium hydroxylapatite

This is the effective ingredient in Radiesse and Radiance products. It is a natural substance found in human bones. Its a heavy substance, effective for filling in deep creases like marionette lines and nasolabial folds, and for increasing volume in the cheeks.

Please call our office for more information about dermal fillers in Northern Virginia, at (703) 574-2588. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for office news!

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